No, I didn't get my days of the week mixed up, I realize it is Tuesday:) I was simply waiting for my produce order to come in so I could plan my menu around it. I guess that might happen more than once depending on the produce schedule.
We have decided to increase our weekly budget to $100, but I am now responsible for paying all bulk orders. That means I actually have to save from week to week. NOT good at that, so we'll see! Another reason for the increase is that everyone will be going dairy free now that the weather has turned. We try to do that each winter, since we have some major skin issues in this house and the dairy intensifies the eczema. Lastly, we like to drink green drink every day in the winter to keep our immune systems strong. That costs a lot for six people.
Here is what I got produce wise this week. The total was $32.65. I will definately have to purchase some things at the store because this will not be enough.

It may look like a lot, but I was actually hoping for more. As with the rest of the world we are trying to get our diets back on track. So for the next 6 weeks Chuck and I are going to be doing this. I have major reservations about posting this on the blog for obvious reasons, such as, who likes to announce to an audience that you messed up royally and have no will power. So be kind and gentle to me, but hold me accountable over the next month and a half.
My menu plans will reflect this change. I am not going to have the boys following the plan because we don't want to risk an all out revolt. Therefore, I am going to be giving them meat at lunch time and we are going to do all veggie dinners for the duration of the plan.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Oatmeal, fruit, milk
leftover ham sandwiches, carrots sticks
V-Spaghetti w/garlic and oil, peas and meatballs
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cereal, green drink
PB & J tortilla roll ups, strawberries
V-Broccoli Cashew Teriayaki Stir-Fry w/rice and salad
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 (6 weeks starts today!)
toast, fruit, and milk
turkey sandwiches, cukes, grapes
V-Minestrone, salad, bread
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Pumpkin bread, green drink
Chick pea and pasta soup
V- Bean & Corn Tortilla Lasagna w/avocado, salad
Friday, January 8, 2010
toast, fruit, and milk
turkey sandwiches, cukes, grapes
V-Minestrone, salad, bread
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Pumpkin bread, green drink
Chick pea and pasta soup
V- Bean & Corn Tortilla Lasagna w/avocado, salad
Friday, January 8, 2010
pancakes, oranges, milk
turkey roll ups, cukes, grapes
Date Night
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Eggs, toast, green drink (dad cooks!)
Friend's House!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Toast, fruit, milk
PB & J or tuna sandwiches, fruits & veggies
Chickpea Sensation Patties, zucchini w/garlic and oil, salad
turkey roll ups, cukes, grapes
Date Night
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Eggs, toast, green drink (dad cooks!)
Friend's House!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Toast, fruit, milk
PB & J or tuna sandwiches, fruits & veggies
Chickpea Sensation Patties, zucchini w/garlic and oil, salad
For more menu ideas (more normal maybe :), check out http://www.orgjunkie.com/
From our home to yours,
Would you please send the information on the produce co-op to me?