This is a little late! I was not motivated to get a plan together last night. But when I sat down today to do it, I had more ideas than I had days!
I will be out two nights this week! I am very excited, but can't leave my men hungry. It is best to do my meat meals on the nights I am not home that is why you don't see my veggie and meat days alternating like I usually do it.
I am also excited to start some Christmas baking since this is our last week of school! Thus the "to-do" list at the bottom.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Eggs, toast, green drink
Mimi’s house
V-leftovers from Mimi’s house!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Creamy cinnamon/raisin oatmeal
Almond butter/jelly, carrot sticks, tangerines
M-Chicken Noodle Soup and homemade bread
(Me-mushroom and barley soup)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Cereal and green drink
Lentil/spinach soup in crockpot
M- Slow-Cooked Tex-Mex Chicken and beans, rice and salad
(me- Cumin Lime Tofu)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Pumpkin Pancakes, milk
Quiche, salad, tangerines
V – Spaghetti w/ broccoli and carrots, garlic/basil muffins, salad
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Toast w/apple butter, green drink
Chick pea and pasta soup
M-chicken cutlets, maple pecan sweet potato mash, corn
Friday, December 18, 2009
Pumpkin bread w/cream cheese
Bean burrito’s, carrot sticks
V- crock – corn chowder, salad
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Eggs/toast (Dad makes breakfast on Saturday morning)
Pizza, pepper slices
V – Chick pea pot pie
To make/do:
Whole Wheat Bread
Kids dynamo hummus (LOVED this last week!)
Granola bars
Sesame cookies
Nutty party crunch
Crunchy chocolate treats
What do you have planned this week? I'd love to know!
For more menu planning ideas check out http://www.orgjunkie.com/
From Our Home to Yours,
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