For us, Green drink is basically a combination of fruits and vegetables blended together in the form of a smoothie. It has really helped boost our immune system and we rarely get sick. If we do, I just make more green drink!
If you would like a recipe, here is the one I started with:
1 cup green grapes
1 orange, peeled
1/2 Bartlett pear
1 banana, fresh or frozen
1 cup kale or spinach
1/2 cup water
2 cups ice cubes
We would double it for our family of six.
Here is one I made the other day from start to finish.
-Frozen Strawberries
-3 bananas

Below is everything stuffed into my Vitamix. My husband bought this for me for Christmas last year. It is the best gift he has ever given me, besides my boys and the most expensive. It is a very expensive machine, but it can do so many amazing things. I LOVE it!
If you do not have a Vitamix, no worries, you can still make a Green Drink. I made one at my mom's house with a regular blender. You just might want to cut the pieces of fruit smaller instead of putting them in large pieces like I have below.
-Locally grow kale can be purchased for less than a dollar at local grocery stores
-If you do not think your children will like the green hue add lots of blueberries.
- We have used almost every green (spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, etc.) and the only one they haven't like are mustard greens.
-Add ice if you are not adding frozen fruit.
-You can really add any fruit or vegetable you like. i.e. carrots, pineapple, zucchini
-Instead of water you can add juice, coconut milk, milk or yogurt
-Seeds and nuts are also great additions. i.e. flax seed, almonds, walnuts
-I have also added oatmeal
-For protein, add any nut butter or silken tofu (creamy and no flavor)
The possibilities are endless. I'd love to hear your favorite combination!
From our home to yours,
I tried this drink this morning and it was good. I mixed frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, frozen bananas, orange, spinach and coconut milk. I know this sounds weird, but I was wondering if peanut butter would be good in it. I was too scared to try it. I think that would add some protein. Thanks for sharing your recipes.