I have some updates to share, a give away, and some recipes that I am hoping this week will allow. As always, we'll see....
At the very least, here is what we are eating this week.
Monday, January 18, 2010
orange poppy seed muffins, grapefruit halves w/honey
alfredo (made in Vitamix) sauce w/pasta, cukes & ranch, kiwi
tofu and broccoli stir fry w/brown rice, arugula salad, chocolate cake
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
French toast, pears, milk
tuna or turkey salad sandwiches, celery sticks, apples
WW Pasta w/vegan pesto, salad
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
maple banana bread, green drink
stromboli, cukes & ranch, applesauce
crockpot –BBQ turkey sandwiches, homemade rolls, roasted potatoes, Mrs. Stark’s Broccoli, salad
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Pumpkin bread, green drink
field trip – ham sandwiches, chips, fruit
vegan cauliflower soup, salad
Friday, January 22, 2010
toast, green drink
soup – brown rice, veggies, turkey broth
date night for us
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Eggs, toast, green drink (dad cooks!)
Family over for dinner – not sure what I am doing quite yet
Sunday, January 24, 2010
banana bundles, green drink
PB & J or tuna sandwiches, fruits & veggies
For more menu ideas, visit http://www.orgjunkie.com/.
Have a great week!
(PS I have a lot of spacing issues with blogger, if anyone has any tips, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!)
Hi! I have noticed when I am typing a blog post every time I hit enter it double spaces it, sometimnes more. But, I don't always notice it until I post. Anyway, before you publish post click on preview post and you can take all the spaces out. I hope that helps you.
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying your blog and getting new recipes! Thank you for doing this!